
- 成員應成為以聖殿為導向的人民,設立目標,每個月到聖殿去。
- 支分會大會當月為支分會特別聖殿月。
- 支聯會大會當月為支聯會特別聖殿月。
- 成員要完成四代家譜,為祖先執行洗禮教儀。
- 成員要到聖殿締結高榮婚姻、夫妻及家庭印證。
- 幫助滿18歲男青年去傳教,17歲開始準備申請表格、面談、體檢。
- 19~25歲單身弟兄應遵從先知教導去傳教。
- 每位成員都是傳教士,主動尋找可教導之人。
- 與全部時間傳教士密切合作,陪傳教士上課,參加洗禮會,認識新教友。

- 完整參與3小時聚會;事先準備,準時聚會,正確學習。
- 提昇課程品質,藉真理之靈,彼此分享,彼此啟發。
- 男女青年要參加福音進修班。
- 單身成人要參加福音研究所。
- 按進度研讀主日學課程與核准教材。
- 每月研讀利阿賀拿總會會長團訊息。
- 落實家庭祈禱、家庭經文研讀、家人家庭晚會。
- 運用教會各項計畫,在愛與真理中教養兒女。
- 珍惜家人親情,要常說溫和語。
- 每月的禁食主日晚上6:00每位成員為生病、困苦、需要的人祈禱。
- 以主為中心與神更加接近,使夫妻關係也因歸向神而更加接近。
- 一起祈禱、一起商量、一起行動。
- 經常以言語及行動表達愛與感謝。
- 繳付十足什一奉獻,使天上的窗戶得以敞開。
- 在六個基本領域中尋求自立:教育、身體健康、工作、家庭儲藏、資源管理,靈性/情感/社交力量。
- 弟兄應努力再努力工作,照顧自己和家人所需。



感謝大家對此次特別會議的支持,目前估計出席人數在5,000人上下。為使進出場更為暢順,入場卷已於6月24日(星期四)以限時寄送至各單位。今對入場 卷說明如下:

Thank you for your support to this special meeting. Currently we are estimating an audience of around 5,000. To facilitate the seating of the meeting, we have sent tickets to you by express mail on Jun 24th, Thursday. Here are some information on the tickets:

1. 請教友們攜帶入場卷出席,並依卷上之區塊由接待人員導引入座。

2. 入場卷背面為會眾聖詩歌詞,現場不再另外發放歌詞。

3. 貴單位如需額外之入場卷邀請親友,請向本籌備會所取。

4. 沒有入場卷之教友或慕道友亦可出席,現場備有額外入場卷供索取。請各單位教友盡量坐在一起,方便散會後疏散。

5. 各區塊入座時請依導引逐排坐滿。

6. 外籍教友需中翻英耳機者,請依現場接待指示前往翻譯區。

7. 請於下午5:30前入座完畢,並保持會場虔敬。

1. Please ask members to bring their tickets to the meeting and enter the building according to the gate specified on the ticket. Ushers will guide you to your seats.

2. On the back of the ticket is the lyric for congregational hymns. English lyrics will be provided on the scene.

3. If you need more tickets, please contact us.

4. Even without tickets, members and investigators are still welcome to the meeting. There will be additional tickets on site for those without tickets. Please ask members to sit together by ward or branches to facilitate evacuation after the meeting.

5. Please fill the seats row by row as guided by ushers.

6. For those who needs translation headset to listen to the translation from Chinese to English, please follow the signs at the arena to the translation area.

7. Please arrive early and be seated by 5:30 pm and be reverent.

由於遊覽車總計約有 90部,請教友們務必記得自己遊覽車編號,並於散會後依接待人員指示迅速上車,以免耽擱回家時間。

As there would be around 90 buses, we encourage you to ask members to remember their bus number and follow the ushers’ instruction to board your buses soon after the meeting so to get home earlier.

對於偏遠地區,本次會議預計將以網路轉播至花蓮、台東、恆 春、潮州、馬公等地,由於頻寬限制,畫面品質較為粗糙,請見諒。

For remote locations, we plan to use internet to broadcast the meeting to HuaLian, TaiTung, HengChun, ChaoChou, and MaKung. Due to the limitation on bandwidth, the quality of the screen will not be so fine as the satellite broadcasts.

如有 任何疑問,請隨時聯絡。

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.

籌 備委員會主席 Chairman of Preparation Committee

梁世威弟兄 敬啟 Carl Liang